As of: 12/31/2004

United States Bankruptcy Court - District of Vermont
Original Adversary Filings - Case Count Report
Quantity of Cases Filed between 01/01/2004 and 12/31/2004

Nature of Suit 424 5
Nature of Suit 426 26
Nature of Suit 434 3
Nature of Suit 435 20
Nature of Suit 454 20
Nature of Suit 458 1
Nature of Suit 459 2
Nature of Suit 498 8

Grand Total 85

424 Object to Discharge under Sec 727
426 Dischargeability under Sec 523
434 Injunction or other Equitable Relief
435 Validity, Priority, or Extent of Lien
454 To Recover Money
455 To Revoke Confirmation
456 Declaratory Judgment
457 To Subordinate Allowed Claim
458 To Obtain Approval for Sale of Property
459 Removal
498 Other